this is a call out

So. This might be my most vain idea yet, but I am going to open this blog up to something I've never done before.

I am asking anyone that reads this for a topic you would like me to address. Do you have a question about something I did years ago and want more information? I'll answer. Do you hate something I said in a previous entry? I'll debate. Do you just want to know my thoughts on a random topic? I'll ruminate.

If I get enough, I would love to make this another weekly installment like the Friday Five (Mailbag Monday? Thursday's Thoughts?), but we'll see. For now, leave a comment and I will do my best to churn out a thought-provoking, gutsy entry that will rattle your computer and send your mouse into spasms of joy.

Hey, a girl can dream.


jawsxtheme said...

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i'm debating if i want to be inappropriate. ha.

what's your favorite memory about growing up?

L.E. said...

I want you to write a kind of music entry, if you will, about your guitar and writing music and your brother being a musician and how you thought you might have been a songwriter or a performer but how that side of you isn't seen as much and etc..... it might be kind of a depressing entry to write, so maybe do Tali's thing first, okay?

L.E. said...

Oh! And I'd like you to talk about both your proms. I wasn't really around for those events (well, maybe the second one but that was at the VERY beginning of our relationship) and reading about them in the archives isn't nearly as helpful as knowing your thoughts on them now, looking back and realizing which details matter to you most after time has passed.

L.E. said...

I came up with another one - you should journal about your "things to do before I turn 21" list since you're now legal. And then you should make a new list of things to do, I don't know, before you're 25 or 30 or something.