
Sex On Fire - Kings of Leon

I was going to use this song in a Friday Five or something ("This That Will Make This Week Bearable" or something to that effect), but I couldn't wait. I am so in love, and I wanted to share my joy with all 8 people that read this blog.

You need to go download, listen to, purchase or steal the song "Sex On Fire" by the Kings of Leon. This song is fucking perfection. Abstract lyrics? Check. Raspy-voiced singer? Check. Totally rock'n'roll drums? Check. Brothers in the band? Check, check, check. This is the ultimate, weekend-get-up-do-something-real-fall-in-love MADNESS that I want pounding through my speakers twenty nine times a day.

Fuck, this song! Shit man, I'm ready to go punch some people, tear down fences, dance and yell in my street at midnight thirty...! Just let me fucking act... this song isn't the only thing burning up.


Hilary Claire said...

I TOTALLY agree... I listen to it when I jog haha!

L.E. said...

I still like their song "King of the Rodeo" better. *shrugs* But regardless, this is a strong post.