how i get through the week

Monday: working at the photo lab. The atmosphere is just as chill and chemical-y as last semester, and Adam's and my shifts still run back to back. It's not a bad way to ease into the week.

Tuesday: Tuesday Tradition still reigns supreme, though it took us a few weeks to get going. The Tradition is even better now that I have my very own SuperMug (TM) thanks to Adam. That is a 32 oz tankard of beer... delicious.

Wednesday: I begin with Bitch Wednesday, in which Maddie and I chill for an hour in the SG offices and complain about the liberals. Then, I have my weekly dinner with Miranda, one of the few friends I have left on campus.

Thursday: Take-out/TV Thursdays at the Rices. Mrs. Rice works Thursdays, so Mr. Rice always brings home something yummy for us to munch on while we kill braincells by watching The Office.

Friday: Payday! After teaching piano from 12-6, I have a friendly amount of money to deposit into my bank account.


L.E. said...

I like the pen next to the mug for perspective even though you could have found a super tiny pen.... I'll just trust you on this one... *winks*

trey said...

hahaha you even fucking share a room with me, have SEEN the SuperMug on my bedside table... and you STILL doubt me?! i'm going to fill that mother up and have you try to drink 32 ounces of anything.

L.E. said...

No, I believe you, but what about the rest of your readers. Not a very convincing photo..... Although, at least you FINALLY posted a photo at all. I'll take what I can get, I suppose. :-)